Maryia has over 7 years of experience in the development of project initiatives in high-tech areas. Responsibilities included: analytical reviews, identifying problems, setting goals and objectives, writing reporting materials and professional articles, as well as directly participating in projects as a supervisor, executive and researcher.
Since 2019, she has been taking part in strategic consulting projects.
Maryia took part in the implementation of various projects:
International projects for the development and creation of high-tech products;
Preparation of successful commercial offers for large telecommunication companies;
Implementation of some tasks in the field of strategic consulting.
Representative projects:
Development of project documentation, supervision of a some area in the international project on the creation of microelectronics components in 2017-19;
Research of market needs and the formation of a commercial proposal for the development and creation of a high-tech product for a telecommunications company in 2018;
Development of services areas provided by a consulting company in 2019.
Education: Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Master of Science